Monday, September 6, 2010

Enable User ID from SQL in AX 2009

Enabling user Id in Axapta 3.0 from SQL was easy you need to update enable field to 1 only this but in AX 2009 if coincidently you have disable userID having Administrator access then updating enable filed will not work few days back coincidently i had done the same :) disabled my ID now being only user having administrator privledge i got stuck.

Now to enable it from back end SQL you need to update enable flag to 1 and provide SID in UserInfo table to get SID you can user following job as provided in Screenshot in some other application in  but in same domain

then use following query in SQL 

select * from USERINFO where  ID = 'secu'

update USERINFO set ENABLE = 1 where ID = 'secu'

update USERINFO set SID = 'S-1-5-21-2656439898-1577874530-2966910584-8962' where ID = 'secu' 

all this to enable from SQL ...........

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