Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (8/7). Use a newer Microsoft Dynamics AX kernel.

"The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (8/7). Use a newer Microsoft Dynamics AX kernel

After Restoration of Database from one evironment to other we found one issue in AX 2012 R3 as

"Fatal SQL condition during login. Error message: "The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (8/7). Use a newer Microsoft Dynamics AX kernel."

Solution was simple

For the resolution you need to change the value for the column value  SYSTIMEZONESVERSION  in the table "SQLSystemVariables". if you look into the event viewer you can see that it find the value 8, but you need 7 (8/7).

The solution is to set the value to 7.

Select SYSTIMEZONESVERSION from SQLSystemVariables

update SQLSystemVariables