Extracting Excel reports from Dynamics AX 2009 is easier task but client ask for formatted reports developers face a problem in generating a report directly in excel as per client requirement as:
1. Borders
2. interiors
3. Bold/Italicheader
4. image in excel
5. Fonts
6. Underline
Below class can be used to generate the reports copy the code in text file and save in xpo import the file in Dynamcis AX 2009
Exportfile for AOT version 1.0 or later
Formatversion: 1
***Element: CLS
; Microsoft Dynamics AX Class: ExcelReporter unloaded
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLASS #ExcelReporter
Id 30095
Name #ExcelReporter
Extends #
RunOn #Called from
Version: 3
SOURCE #classDeclaration
#class ExcelReporter
# COM excelApplication;
# COM excelWorkBooks;
# COM excelWorkBook;
# COM excelWorkSheets;
# COM excelWorkSheet;
# COM excelCell;
# COM Module;
# COM range;
# COM Borders;
# COM Border;
# COM font;
# COM styles;
# COM style;
# COM interior;
# COM entireColumn;
# COM formula;
# COM AutoFilter;
# COM EnableAutoFilter ;
# COM excelCharts;
# COM excelChart;
# COM ActiveChart;
# COM ChartObjects;
# COM WrapText;
# COM ColoumnWidth;
# int lineNum;
# Array arr;
# str sCode;
# int ColNameLen;
SOURCE #ColoumnWidth
#void ColoumnWidth(COM _range,int Value)
# ColoumnWidth = _range.ColoumnWidth(value);
SOURCE #companyLogo
#display Bitmap companyLogo()
# CompanyInfo companyInfo = CompanyInfo::find();
# ;
# return CompanyImage::find(companyInfo.DataAreaId, companyInfo.TableId, companyInfo.RecId).Image;
SOURCE #getColChar
#str getColChar(int _num)
# int basePosition = 0;
# int Counts;
# str char;
# int expo;
# boolean flagfound;
# if(_num > 16384)
# throw error('Not Supported by the system');
# ColNameLen = 1;
# while(_num > power(26,ColNameLen))
# {
# ColNameLen = ColNameLen + 1;
# }
# while(!flagfound)
# {
# switch(_num)
# {
# case 1+basePosition :
# char = 'A';
# break;
# case 2+basePosition :
# char = 'B';
# break;
# case 3+basePosition :
# char = 'C';
# break;
# case 4+basePosition :
# char = 'D';
# break;
# case 5+basePosition :
# char = 'E';
# break;
# case 6+basePosition :
# char = 'F';
# break;
# case 7+basePosition :
# char = 'G';
# break;
# case 8+basePosition :
# char = 'H';
# break;
# case 9+basePosition :
# char = 'I';
# break;
# case 10+basePosition :
# char = 'J';
# break;
# case 11+basePosition :
# char = 'K';
# break;
# case 12+basePosition :
# char = 'L';
# break;
# case 13+basePosition :
# char = 'M';
# break;
# case 14+basePosition :
# char = 'N';
# break;
# case 15+basePosition :
# char = 'O';
# break;
# case 16+basePosition :
# char = 'P';
# break;
# case 17+basePosition :
# char = 'Q';
# break;
# case 18+basePosition :
# char = 'R';
# break;
# case 19+basePosition :
# char = 'S';
# break;
# case 20+basePosition :
# char = 'T';
# break;
# case 21+basePosition :
# char = 'U';
# break;
# case 22+basePosition :
# char = 'V';
# break;
# case 23+basePosition :
# char = 'W';
# break;
# case 24+basePosition :
# char = 'X';
# break;
# case 25+basePosition :
# char = 'Y';
# break;
# case 26+basePosition :
# char = 'Z';
# break;
# }
# if(char)
# flagfound = true;
# if(basePosition)
# counts = counts + 1;
# basePosition = basePosition + 26;
# }
# if(strlen(char) < ColNameLen)
# char = this.getColChar(counts) + char;
# return char;
#/* switch(_num)
# {
# case 1 :
# return 'A';
# break;
# case 2 :
# return 'B';
# break;
# case 3 :
# return 'C';
# break;
# case 4 :
# return 'D';
# break;
# case 5 :
# return 'E';
# break;
# case 6 :
# return 'F';
# break;
# case 7 :
# return 'G';
# break;
# case 8 :
# return 'H';
# break;
# case 9 :
# return 'I';
# break;
# case 10 :
# return 'J';
# break;
# case 11 :
# return 'K';
# break;
# case 12 :
# return 'L';
# break;
# case 13 :
# return 'M';
# break;
# case 14 :
# return 'N';
# break;
# case 15 :
# return 'O';
# break;
# case 16 :
# return 'P';
# break;
# case 17 :
# return 'Q';
# break;
# case 18 :
# return 'R';
# break;
# case 19 :
# return 'S';
# break;
# case 20 :
# return 'T';
# break;
# case 21 :
# return 'U';
# break;
# case 22 :
# return 'V';
# break;
# case 23 :
# return 'W';
# break;
# case 24 :
# return 'X';
# break;
# case 25 :
# return 'Y';
# break;
# case 26 :
# return 'Z';
# break;
# }
SOURCE #insertHeader
#void insertHeader(Types _types,
# int _idx,
# str _xlRowCol,
# str _value)
# arr = new Array(_types);
# arr.value(_idx,_value);
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
# range.value2(COMVariant::createFromArray(arr));
SOURCE #insertImage
#void insertImage(int _idx,
# str _xlRowCol,
# Bitmap _value)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
# range.value(_value);
#void new()
# ;
# excelApplication = new COM("excel.application");
# excelWorkBooks = excelApplication.workBooks();
# excelWorkBook = excelWorkBooks.add();
# excelWorkSheets = excelWorkBook.worksheets();
# excelWorkSheet = excelWorkSheets.add();
SOURCE #variant2COM
#void variant2COM(COM _COM, COMVariant _variant)
# {
# _COM.attach(_variant.iDispatch());
# }
SOURCE #xlAllBorder
#void xlAllBorder(COM _range,int _weight)
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(2);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(9);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
SOURCE #xlAutoFilter
#void xlAutoFilter(str _xlRowCol,
# boolean _Filter)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
SOURCE #xlAutoFit
#void xlAutoFit(COM _range)
# entireColumn = _range.entireColumn();
# entirecolumn.autofit();
SOURCE #xlBotBorder
#void xlBotBorder(COM _range)
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(9);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(3);
SOURCE #xlBoxBorder
#void xlBoxBorder(str _row,str _coll,int _weight)
# int rowNum = any2int(strdel(_row,1,1));
# int collNum = any2int(strdel(_coll,1,1));
# str row = strdel(_row,2,strlen(_row));
# str coll = strdel(_coll,2,strlen(_coll));
# Com _range;
# // top
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",coll,rownum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# // left
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",row,collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# // right
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",num2char(char2num(coll,1)+1),rownum),strfmt("%1%2",num2char(char2num(coll,1)+1),collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# // bottom
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,collnum+1),strfmt("%1%2",coll,collnum+1));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
SOURCE #xlChart
#void xlChart(str _xlRowCol,
# str _Text)
SOURCE #xlClose
#void xlClose()
# excelApplication.quit();
SOURCE #xlCreateHeader
#Array xlCreateHeader(Array _arr,
# int _idx,
# str _value)
# _arr.value(_idx,_value);
# return _arr;
SOURCE #xlFormatCell
#void xlFormatCell(str _xlRowCol,
# int _fontSize,
# boolean _bold,
# boolean _italic,
# boolean _strikethrough,
# int _underline,
# boolean _Subscript,
# boolean _Superscript,
# str _fontname)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
# font = range.Font();
# font.Size(_fontSize);
# font.bold(_bold);
# font.italic(_italic);
# font.underline(_underline);
# font.strikethrough(_strikethrough);
# font.Subscript(_Subscript);
# font.Superscript(_Superscript);
# font.name(_fontname);
SOURCE #xlFormula
#void xlFormula(str _xlRowCol)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
# formula = range.formula();
SOURCE #xlFormulan
#COM xlFormulan()
# ;
# formula = range.formula();
# return formula;
SOURCE #xlGridBorder
#void xlGridBorder(COM _range,int _weight)
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(2);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(9);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(3);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
SOURCE #xlHorizontaltBorder
#void xlHorizontaltBorder(str _row,str _coll,int _weight)
# int rowNum = any2int(strdel(_row,1,1));
# int collNum = any2int(strdel(_coll,1,1));
# str row = strdel(_row,2,strlen(_row));
# str coll = strdel(_coll,2,strlen(_coll));
# Com _range;
# // top
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",coll,rownum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# // left
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",row,collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# // right
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",num2char(char2num(coll,1)+1),rownum),strfmt("%1%2",num2char(char2num(coll,1)+1),collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# // bottom
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,collnum+1),strfmt("%1%2",coll,collnum+1));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = null;
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",coll,collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",coll,collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(9);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
# Borders = null;
# border = null;
# _range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",row,rownum),strfmt("%1%2",coll,collnum));
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(3);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(_weight);
SOURCE #xlInsert
#void xlInsert(Types _types,
# int _row,
# int _col,
# str _value)
# excelcell = excelworksheet.cells();
# this.variant2COM(excelcell, excelcell.item(_row,_col));
# excelcell.value2(_value);
SOURCE #xlInsertArr
#void xlInsertArr(Array _arr,
# str _xlRowCol)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
# range.value2(COMVariant::createFromArray(_arr));
SOURCE #xlInsertss
#void xlInsertss(Types _types,
# int _row,
# int _col,
# str _value)
# str xlcol = this.getColChar(_col);;
# arr = new Array(_types);
# arr.value(1,_value);
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(strfmt("%1%2",xlcol,_row));
# range.value2(COMVariant::createFromArray(arr));
SOURCE #xlInsertTblArr
#Array xlInsertTblArr(Common _common,
# int _refFieldId,
# Array _arr,
# int _idx)
# dictIndex dictIndex ;
# ;
# dictIndex = new DictIndex(_common.tableId,_refFieldId);
# _arr.value(_idx,_common.(dictIndex.field(_refFieldId)));
# return _arr;
SOURCE #xlInterior
#void xlInterior(str _xlRowCol,
# int _Index)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_xlRowCol);
# interior = range.interior();
# interior.colorIndex(_Index);
SOURCE #xlLeftBorder
#void xlLeftBorder(COM _range)
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(2);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(3);
SOURCE #xlRange
#com xlRange(str _row, str _col)
# ;
# range = excelWorkSheet.Range(_row,_col);
# return range;
SOURCE #xlrightBorder
#void xlrightBorder(COM _range)
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(1);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(3);
SOURCE #xlShow
#void xlShow()
# excelApplication.visible(true);
SOURCE #xlStyle
#void xlStyle(Com _range,Int _color,str _styleName)
# styles = null;
# style = null;
# interior = null;
# styles = excelWorkBook.styles();
# style = styles.add(_styleName);
# interior = style.interior();
# interior.color(_color);//WinApi::RGB2int(246, 233, 206));
# _range.style(_styleName);
SOURCE #xlTopBorder
#void xlTopBorder(COM _range)
# Borders = _range.Borders();
# Border = Borders.Item(8);
# Border.lineStyle(7);
# Border.Weight(3);
SOURCE #xlWorkSheetName
#void xlWorkSheetName(str _name)
# excelWorkSheet.name(_name);
SOURCE #xlWrap
#void xlWrap(COM _range)
# wrapText = _range.wraptext(true);
***Element: END
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
X++ Code to restrict user login multiple times in ax2009
Copy Paste the Following Code in startupPost method of info class in AOT
void startupPost()
// To restrict user login form second login
xSession session;
SysClientSessions SysClientSessions;
UserId currentUserId;
int counter;
currentUserId = curUserId();
if(currentUserId!="Admin")// Allow Admin User to login multiple time
while select SysClientSessions
where SysClientSessions.userId == currentUserId &&
SysClientSessions.Status == 1 // 1 : Login 0 : Logout
session = new xSession(SysClientSessions.SessionId, true);
if (session && session.userId())
Box::stop("Already Logged-in : The same user id can't log in twice.");
Please take backup of your application before copying code
void startupPost()
// To restrict user login form second login
xSession session;
SysClientSessions SysClientSessions;
UserId currentUserId;
int counter;
currentUserId = curUserId();
if(currentUserId!="Admin")// Allow Admin User to login multiple time
while select SysClientSessions
where SysClientSessions.userId == currentUserId &&
SysClientSessions.Status == 1 // 1 : Login 0 : Logout
session = new xSession(SysClientSessions.SessionId, true);
if (session && session.userId())
Box::stop("Already Logged-in : The same user id can't log in twice.");
Please take backup of your application before copying code
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